
Article writing requires a lot of expertise and control on words and the writing style. An article should be one which not only conveys what the writer wishes to but what is being conveyed, should reach the reader with lucidity and interest. The reader should get a clear picture of what the article wants to talk about, without having to rack brains and most importantly should not lose interest while reading the article. The writing style should be such that the words are not complicated and difficult to communicate, while it maintains a standard of quality. If these simple things are followed then the article is sure to get an approval immediately thesiseditor.
An article, to get approval requires some very easy steps to be followed like:
Knowing the audience: Know your readers well before writing the article. An article for teenagers and high-school students will be different from an article for housewives and full time mothers. Once you study your readers, you can plan out the articles better and get it approved at the first shot.
Know the basics: Before writing the article, update yourself with information about the thing you are writing on. Depending on what you are writing about, access digital libraries like Wikipedia, read magazines or journals related to what you are writing about. The better informed you are, better is your article quality and easier it is to get approval for your article.
Be unique: Try to write an article the way no one has written before. Avoid repetitive information and use visual descriptions. Put in new ideas and suggestions that your readers might be looking for. Offer information that other articles do not offer.

Use different materials: While writing an article, to avoid making it mundane, use materials which are not only text. In your article, include data, charts or templates which will make the article more appealing to the readers.
Edit your article: For an approved article, always review and edit your article before submission. Check for grammatical errors, out of context phrases, filter out information as necessary and unnecessary.

Other than these, for an approved article some other details that you can keep on mind are:
Be consistent and pay attention to the structure and style of the article.
Always keep trying to make it even better.
Decide the length for your article and ensure it just and compact.
Be passionate about what you are writing.

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